Beauty mark: Simple Hair Care Tips

Hi =)

Just thought I'd do something a little different from the standard NOTW, so here are a few hair care tips I have learned =)

Image from Google
 As always, these are not my own tips, these are some I picked up and thought I'd share with you.
  • Washing: When washing your hair with shampoo, your hair must be completely wet. When using conditioner, ring your hair out gently to remove as much water as possible, before taking bit by bit and slowly running it through the bottom half of your hair, away from the roots. Whatever is remaining, use that on your scalp and roots. I also like to tie my hair up into a bun while I leave the conditioner in for 2 minutes. This just ensures that I don't accidentally wash away the conditioner at the ends, where it needs it most. Also, a beauty rule that I will preach, but hardly practice, is not to wash your hair too often. I grew up washing my hair every single day, and now I find my hair to be too greasy if I don't wash it... But I try to skip a day when my scalp is not too oily.
  • Drying: Use a towel or let your hair air dry. The less heat used, the better. Also, another rule I preach but don't practice, is using heat protectant. I know it should be used ANY TIME heat is used, but I typically only use it when styling my hair.
  • Brushing: This one I learned a few days ago, and actually inspired me to do this post: Don't brush your hair when its wet. Air dry or blow dry your hair until it is at least 80% dry befpre running a brush through it. This will reduce breakage and damage to your hair.
  • Styling: Use heat protectant! It can be a little expensive, but its definitely worth it. Another tip I learned: to test the effectiveness of a heat protectant, spray some on your hand and blow dry that section of your hand. It should remain cool if its a good protector. 
Okay, so those are my tips =) I may have a few I left out, but I'll add them in when I can.

<3 S


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