NOTW: China Glaze For Audrey

Hi =)

I used to be obsessed with painting my nails, and I would probably change my nail colour twice a week. And then I slowly got lazier and lazier, and would sometimes only paint my nails every once a week, and now every 2-3 weeks. But to keep it simple, I won't do a "Nail of the Day" (NOTD) because I don't change my nails every day (and I know people who do NOTD, don't change their nails everyday either).  But I'm going to use "Nail of the Week" (NOTW) just because its a little more realistic for me. I wanted to create a new title for this, but to be honest, I can't really be bothered. I'm not very creative, so I will end up spending hours on Google, and and trying to find something clever. And plus NOTD is practically universal, so NOTW should be kind of easy to transition into right?

I know I have a pic or two of For Audrey already, but this is the first full mani with it =)

China Glaze For Audrey
And no, I don't have crazy nail art skills, the flower patterns are just nail art stickers. These are super easy and fun, but you have to be careful with them, because they do come off easily, even with a topcoat on top.

Oh, and its not a Tiffany blue colour =(

<3 S


  1. makeupp:) said...:

    I love the nail decals! Super cute with that nail polish color!!

  1. S said...:

    aww thank you <3
    really disappointed though that mine was not the tiffany blue that everyone talks about. regardless though, its still a lovely colour

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