Stylish Blogger Award

Hi =)
I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but I got this award from Vanessa ( and these are the rules of Stylish Blogger Award. If you get the award you should...
  • Thank and link back to the person who sent the award 
  • Share 7 different things about yourself
  • Award recently discovered bloggers
  • Contact these bloggers and and tell them about the award
So thanks Vanessa =) 

Here are 7 different things you may/may not know about me:

  1. I have a dog, Benji. He's super fluffy and gets so excited to see new people, he'll hump your leg LOL
  2. I love green tea. Any kind, from a bottle, or a hot cup, or from Easy Way.
  3. Speaking of Easy Way, I ALWAYS get a Peach green tea with Lychee coconut jelly. Yum!
  4. I do not like strawberry flavoured anything, especially ice-cream or milk.
  5. I have pretty much every nail polish colour from Sportsgirl. (Except the new darker range, because I discovered OPI!).
  6. Favourite mascara is the Maybelline XXL (mentioned in a previous post somewhere).
  7. Right now, I have Mermaid's Tears on my nails (from OPI)
As for me awarding others, I have to confess, I don't do a lot of reading other blogs, but here are a few I do read:

Thanks again for the award =) 

<3 S


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