Another Wishlist?

Yeap. Another wishlist. For NAIL POLISH! *duh*

Okay, this is just a fun post for me to remind myself what colours I am lacking in my collection, instead of continuing to buy similar colours that have a slightly greener tone than one I already have *cough essie cough*.

Note: All these pictures are not mine, probably taken from Google, because I don't have these colours. 

1) White
Not sure if I really needed a photo, but I think photos make blogs a little easier to handle. Anyways, I am lacking in white nail polish. I have White Shatter (obviously not the same) and I have a small sample of Seche Porcelain which I try not to use too often because of the warning about birth defects on the bottle. SO ANYWAYS, white polish. This photo is OPI's Alpine Snow.

2) Dark Blue

I am on the lookout for a dark, deep blue for my collection. This particular one is OPI's Roadhouse Blues, I think from the Touring America collection.

3) Army Green

I have recently been loving this colour, esp now that winter is slowly setting in. This one is OPI Uh-Oh Roll Down the Window.

4) Bronze

I have a gorgeous silver in my collection and now I really want a bronze! This one is OPI Brisbane Bronze

5) Rose Gold

I have been loving the rose gold trend, I've especially been wanting a rose gold bangle. Let me know if you see one! Anyway I spotted this in Missha a few days ago, it is one of their crystal stone polishes in orange. Unfortunately, I don't like the chunky glitter too much, but the colour of the "stones" in the polish are so gorgeous, I really want it! This is Missha Crystal Polish in "Orange".

These are just 5 that I would love right now. I feel like I have quite a collection of nail polishes already, but I do love to add more.

<3 S


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