
It's been a loooong time. I'm not sure what I want to do with this blog anymore. Should I be posting more reviews? More NOTW posts? Or more random posts?

I would love to do a little collection of all my nail polishes. I saw a little questionnaire/survey today asking people how many nail polishes they own. Some said a few, like 20-30. A few 60's. And then the rest were 200-300 bottles each. I counted up mine, I have about 60. I feel like my collection is pretty complete, but there's always more colours to be added. I also found today a place where I can buy China Glaze nail polishes for extremely cheap without having to pay postage or wait 3 weeks for them to arrive from America. I expect a large growth in the polish purchases department, and a plateau in every other area including food, drink, clothes, jewellery...

Anyways what was my point again? Oh yeah, I didn't have one. Oops.
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