NOTW: Sportsgirl Nude

Hi =)

I've been feeling a little boring with nails lately, all I really want to paint my nails is black, grey or brown. I don't own brown or grey (I'm broke!) and black is too depressing, I just went with a nude. I still have a horrible yellow stains on my nails which is slowly growing out, which is why I can't leave it bare... So here's Sportsgirl's Nude. A badly and quickly done mani.

Sportsgirl Nude
I don't know why but everytime I decide to put this on my nails, I'm always a little reluctant. I guess its just a boring colour, nothing fun or exciting. But everytime I put it on, I love the way it looks, how it matches my skin tone perfectly. Its a little streaky, but its absolutely fine with 2 coats and a top coat. It also makes my hand look like it has a bit of a tan, which was perfect for today's insane weather! 34degrees in Sydney today, a shocking hit after months of maximum temps of 25degs!
Luckily, I spent most of the day inside in the cool air con! Anyways off track!
Sportsgirl Nude
That's just what the bottle looks like too. Its one of the older bottles. Sportsgirl couldn't decide on a bottle design and change the bottle and the volume of it three or four times before they settled.
In the bottle, the polish is exactly the same colour except for the purple/blue shimmer it has. I'm not sure if its just the glass of the bottle, but once its on your nails, the shimmer is gone and its just a creamy nude.
Anyways, I'm not sure if this is still available, but I'm glad I have it, I love it!

<3 S


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